
Azure Services - Academy Mortgage

This project is to highlight work that I did for Academy Mortgage and covers multiple Azure based Services. The following examples and descriptions will cover work related to the development of custom API and Azure applications and services.

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Translation Support

In this project I was a contractor supporting primarily in the area of Quality Assurance and Automation for translation services for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This project was primarily plugins for the Trados software suite and customized workflows through WorldServer, a translation management system. I helped support the translation of materials for the church in over 100 languages.

DevOps - Academy Mortgage

This project focused on setting up and configuring Azure DevOps for Academy Mortgage. I leveraged my experience as a DevOps Engineer and manager to help Academy Mortgage set up their DevOps environment and processes.

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Encompass - Academy Mortgage

This project focused on Loan Origination for mortgages and utilized an application developed by Ellie Mae. The work performed for Academy was focused on the customization of the features and functionality surrounding the use of the Encompass software designed for assisting loan officers and underwriters the ability to validate and originate loans for individuals seeking to purchase properties.

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Various WordPress Sites

This has been various small projects helping to implement and support various WordPress sites. This included maintenance, updates, and some custom development for the sites.

AdverTran - Carey and Associates

This was a collaborative project that I started and began development of in 2007. It's use was for the creating and managing playlists for onscreen advertising in theaters or other locations for digital media and content advertising.

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This project is one that I personally developed in 2016 using C#.NET, MVC, Bootstrap, and other available libraries. Its primary purpose was to help me learn the ins and outs of UI development specifically utilizing Bootstrap for the beautification and usability of the site. This is an ongoing project.

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Family Key

The Family Key project was developed as a partnership under Kumusoft, LLC. This project was originally designed to host genealogical data that would allow search engines to search for your data and help you in our family quest to find your ancestors. The development for this project started before 2001 and expanded about the time I came on board. Sadly, the project was terminated in 2005 and never went live.

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Swipeclock - Timekeeping and Payroll

I was a part of a team that supported the Swipeclock application for timekeeping and payroll. This was a full stack development project supporting mid-sized companies in their timekeeping and payroll needs.

Redhead Mobile Apps

This project is based on a request by Redhead Mobile Apps to improve the user experience for their customers. This is a full stack development project includes both a web dashboard, using Bootstrap, and a Web API service that drives the data for the mobile application.

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Membership Data Sync

This project was to replace a direct SQL Database connection with a Web API service that would allow for the synchronization of membership data between two different systems. This project was developed using C#.NET and Web API with a windows service.

Various Jobs and Projects

Throughout my career I have had the opportunity to work on many different projects and jobs that varied in size and scope. My abilities to adapt and learn quickly have helped me to be successful in many of these projects.