
Early Self Directed Education - Prior to 2003

Almost all of my experience in technology and software development has been self-taught. I have always been interested in technology from a young age and got my first taste of a computer with my Grandmother's Commodore 64. My father was a software developer and later purchased an IBM PC XT which was later upgraded to a 286 where I played around with GWBASIC and DOS. In junior high school I got my hands on a Pascal programming book and later an ANSI C book in high school where I taught myself the basics of programming. It has only grown from there.


2003 - 2021

You may ask, "Why such a span of time from starting college to today?" The answer: "I primarily went to college to have fun and gain an education on my own terms." My ultimate reason for attending college was for a personal goal and not for the scholastic need for a degree. By the time I attended college I was well on my way to earning my own living without the education based degree, for myself, it was a personal goal that I would earn a bachelor’s degree. Not only do I believe in being honorable and truthful with others I work with, but I also believe that we need to honor and be truthful to ourselves first!

Associate's Degree - General Studies - 2012

Earning my Associates was a practical move to cap my foundational studies. I had several classes that I had taken where the credit for the class was about to expire at the time.

Bachelor's Degree - Software Engineering - 2021

Originally I had planned to earn a Computer Science Degree. However, the degree that I earned better fit the direction that I had moved in regards to my active career.